Kada Prashad - The Divine spoon of blessing

Kada Prashad - As the name suggests, this dish is much more than just a halwa or a dessert. It is a rich traditional halwa made out of wheat flour and offered in Gurdwaras as prasad. 

My encounter with this halwa happened to be in a gurdwara when I visited there with a friend of mine. After our darshan while we were coming out of the gurdwara there was an old man sitting with a big container and people were standing in queue for the prashad. 
As we were nearing to him, I could get the aroma of ghee and I was already expecting some kind of sweet. Finally when it was our turn , we stood in front of him with both our palms (as the way we are supposed to receive anything in gurdwara) . He gave us a portion of this prashad which was piping hot due to the ghee and was unbearable to hold . I ate it immediately and that moment can't be expressed with words!! The aroma and the taste of this prashad was totally divine! 
Since then it has been my most awaiting moment whenever I visited any gurdwara!

We were fortunate enough to have our recent Kada Prashad in the Golden Temple of Amritsar. The prayers in the background, people around doing selfless service and thousands of visitors with their head covered , totally gives a spiritual feel ! Don't miss out on the Langar if you visit any Gurdwara. That's again one of the most delicious meal you could have in any of the spiritual places . 

So after having this prasad a few times, I once googled the recipe and I was amazed to know that this super delicious preparation  just requires three ingredients in equal proportions.
If till date , I am supposed to pick any of my favorite dish which requires less effort and tastes best, it would be this Atta halwa for sure.
These ingredients are very common in every Indian household and luckily the day I felt like trying it out I had enough Ghee in my kitchen.
So if you have wheat flour , sugar and ghee in stock, just go ahead and try this out. By now I have prepared this halwa around 5-6 times and every time I have got it right.

Here's a rough recipe.

Put the ghee in a pan and once it melts , add equal quantity of wheat flour in it. Keep mixing in a low flame. Initially the consistency would be thick and you would feel a little difficult in mixing but keep doing it till the mix turns light golden brown. The continuous stirring would change the texture too and you can see a little granular mix after a while. 
Add equal quantity of sugar to three times of water in a separate pan and bring it to a boil just enough to melt the sugar.
Once the wheat flour mix has turned golden brown, you can add the sugar syrup to it in batches and keep stirring. Add the entire sugar solution . After some more stirring and muscle work you see the ghee separating you can switch off the flame.

Some key points here to note.

  • Anything cooked in ghee has a very high temperature . So be really careful while cooking.  Even a small drop can get you boils.
  • This quantity can leave you with excess ghee, so I personally keep the ghee quantity a little less than wheat flour and sugar.
  • You can add cardamom powder and dry fruits as per your choice but traditionally they do not add it. Even I prefer it simple.

Do try it out! I'm sure you will love it :) 
Happy cooking !


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