Watermelon coolant

Summers are here and mercury is soaring high . The season comes with a lot of nostalgia. The relaxing vacations (mainly the break from studies 😉), learning new hobbies, helping Mom in kitchen and what not. 
And on the other side is the indulgence in ice-creams and juices. The soothing feel that one gets by having a cool drink in the scorching heat is so satisfying that sometimes you feel like staying in liquid diet with lots of fresh fruits. Staying hydrated is very important with the temperature rising all over .

Summer can't be complete without some fresh fruit juices!! And watermelon is a must for this season.. 
Watermelon is a super food in this season which comes with high water content and very low calorie content. It consists of almost 90% water , so it also keeps you full and aids in weight loss. It is said to be improving heart health as well.
This fruit comes with almost zero wastage. Have the red part as fruit, cook the watermelon rind as a vegetable and preserve the seeds to be used in curries as even the seeds are nutritious. 

Have it as a fruit alone or blend it up to a juice with some added mint and lemon, it never fails to give a pleasant cooling effect in the scorching summer heat!! 

Watermelon Coolant

For this coolant, blend up some watermelon with sugar and mint leaves. Add in a little lemon juice and you're done.

If you have got some leftover juice, we have got that covered too. 
Pour it into some popsicle moulds and freeze it.  Enjoy watermelon popsicles.
Or just pour it in a tray and freeze it. Once frozen , grind it to make Watermelon Slush!!!

Beat Summers and ditch the stove!!! Keep juicing 😉


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