Amla Murabba

Amla or as called as Gooseberries in English, has number of benefits and used in most of the Ayurvedic preparations.
Rich in vitamin C , this fruit is a great energy and immunity booster.It is fairly low in calories and fat but rich in dietary fiber, copper, manganese, potassium and Vitamins C, B5 and B6. It is also rich in antioxidants. Well, the benefits list is very long for this fruit.

Because of its sour taste it can be prepared and preserved as Murabba and one can have it to prevent gastric and acidity! It is very good for kids and adults.

During our childhood, we stayed in Assam for a couple of years. With greenery all around, we had plenty of different kind of trees including Amlas and Lychees near our house. Our landlady was in her fifties and trust me, you can't guess her age by looking at her hair. Her smooth , soft and deep black hair can ditch anyone. Then once she told us her secret. She used to apply raw amla juice to her hair and then wash it off with plain water after sometime. It prevents grey hair and makes it smooth. So yes, you have another reason to appreciate this humble fruit 😊

Coming back to murabba, this is the easiest and yummy way to include Amla in our diet. Having it in empty stomach helps, but you can have anytime in the day 😊
My mom prepares this and Dad makes sure that we have it in regular basis 😉

Quick Recipe: 

  • Clean about 1kg of Amla and prick it , so that the sugar syrup penetrates well later.
  • Cook the amlas in a pressure cooker for about 3-4 whistles.
  • Drain them and let it dry for sometime.Meanwhile prepare a sugar syrup with about half a kg of sugar. Let it be a little thick .
  • Add the amlas and you will see the syrup turning thin as the amlas will release water . 
  • Cook it for some more time till the water evaporates. The water needs to be evaporated well , else it will get spoiled in a couple of days.
  • Add little black salt and 1-2 green cardamoms and let it cool . Once done, keep it in a jar. Stays good at room temperature for 15-20 days.

Do try it and stay fit!!!

Happy cooking ðŸ˜Š


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